Thursday, February 6, 2014


Mind you everything that is listed may be reserved for the next edition of the Arkham video game series, or some of it may even play out some how in the upcoming Story DLC, even though all signs seem to point to when the Ice Man cometh. Still, incase they don't plan on  expanding off of the latest installment,Arkham Origins, taking things back before both Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, then these are the things I felt was missing from this otherwise really good game, not Arkham City good, but held its own none the less.

I thought cats had nine lives, and since she was a great addition to Batman: Arkham City, I figured she still had all nine intact. She is referenced within the game, but only in a conversation by some thugs within the city if my memory serves me correct. With the addition of the next thing missing, makes me think that perhaps there will be another pre-Arkham Aslum/City installment, and it will be a spin on "The Long Halloween" story arc. Which will be awesome. But, really missed being able to play as Mrs. Kyle in game, not just the challenge maps. Something that my daughter definitely missed, and wasn't as interested as she was with Arkham City rounding up 100-200x Combo's ahaha

Harvey Dent aka Two-Face
I thought for sure there would be "Vote For Harvey" or "Vote For Dent" posters all around the place, unscathed unlike in the other games. But there wasn't. And then with a certain Mister Alberto Falcone likely "pre-Holiday" in the mix I thought for sure there would be something. But no. However, like I said I am thinking a "Long Halloween" next time around and we see the Cat, and Harvey in some fashion, possibly already as Two-Face, and add the "star" of "The Long Halloween", and we would have an extra three "Wins" already at least character wise.

The Batmobile
We haven't really seen it since the first installment of this great franchise, Batman: Arkham Asylum. In Arkham Origins, the iconic vehicle is torn down and about to be built for the first time by the looks of it. There was the Batwing, but I was hoping that with the addition of the Batcave (which was a massive plus in my opinion) we'd maybe get to get behind the wheel ourselves so to speak, at least to a certain part on the out skirts, or something. Perhaps if there's a next installment, there will at least be Batmobile "drop-off" points similar to how they did with the Batwing. The streets are pretty narrow, but we've yet to set foot in "new" Gotham really, with "Wayne Enterprises" still off in the distance. I will admit however, that it wouldn't be long after they gave me control of the Batmobile that I would start wanting "skins" for the vehicle, 60's Batmobile that we all know, "Batman (1989)", etc etc ahaha

Yes I know he is playable in the challenge maps, but being able to play as Catwoman in game spoiled me quick after disappointment with the lack of Mr. J like in the first installment of the hit franchise. I have found playing as him quite the challenge in those maps (hence the name right? aha) mind you, but felt there could've been a way to have him able to roam the city post credits, or exactly like his predscessor, be playable as apart of the story also, perhaps hunting down The Joker post-escape.

The Falcone's and The Maroni's
Alberto Falcone is in the game, and there is reference to his father, Carmine, and others, but there doesn't seem to be any reference of them in the game landscape wise, like there was in Arkham City. With Batman still somewhat "new to the game", and seems to be in the transition from Mobsters to Super-Villains, I thought there would still be at least visual evidence of their existence in the city. But, perhaps they will be a bigger part of the next one, like I mentioned with Catwoman and Two-Face, the Mob-Families are a big part of that story.

Martha and Thomas Wayne
With this being very early in the "career" of Batman, I was very shocked that we were left to either seek out or stumble upon the site that basically created Batman. Wouldn't this still be very much the fire that fuels him? Now, they may have been trying to get away from that, or when you come across it via the direction of the game you'll notice of all Batman's "crime investigations", he's the most aggressive for this one when he finds the criminal. Was it because he knew the victims? Or was where it happened turn up the heat? I actually liked how we could "pay respect" at the site in Arkham City, just thought it would be still there are pointed out at least.

Those were just small things for me, the game was very good. Especially with them having transitioned over to a different studio, and even the voice work was good with characters like Batman and The Joker (No Conroy or Hamel this time around). \Loved the additions of the Batcave, especially with the suit chamber, a flying villain to battle against, the small run as The Red Hood was epic for me, amongst other things. And with some complaining that it was the exact same game, the map yes, although they altered it, made bridges and roads intact, which made sense story wise also, there were new gadgets that made for some pretty cool moves within the game, and we got to see some new Villains and characters. Barbara Gordon clearly pre-Batgirl (if she exists here), Alfred Pennyworth in the flesh and there to chat with when you feel like it, Deathstroke, even a smaller level character like Anarky, who we got to see how he could possibly be a problem for Batman.

I guess "my" next obvious installment under this category would be what I think should be, mixed in with what I think will play out in what I would think, is an obvious follow-up. I would prefer "Batman: Arkham Origins II" over "Batman: The Long Halloween" or "Batman: Arkham Origins: The Long Halloween". Just sayin'.

Stay Nerdy!!

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